Welcome to our laboratory.
We, the structural system laboratory at Korea University, are the university research group for investigating various structural engineering-related problems. Please visit us if you want to know about us more.
Research Area
Advanced Simulation
Nonlinear finite element method
Hydrodynamic analysis
Discrete element method
Physics simulation using 3D engines
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI)
Innovative Structural Systems
Floating renewable energy facilities
Floating transportation systems
High-rise Transmission System
Derailment prevention for railways
Precast concrete pavement for ports
AI-based SHM
Data-driven damage detection
Pattern recognition-based structural health monitoring
Sensing optimization
Digital twin for SHM
Multipurpose coastal floating infrastructure technology (MOLIT, KAIA)
Development of an advanced prepiling jacket substructure system: Higher than 10% reduction in the period and cost of the transport and installation (MOTIE, KETEP)
Submerged floating breakwater development (EWP)
Featured papers
Kim et al. (2025). Forensic investigation of unexpected failure in a full-scale transmission tower test. Engineering Failure Analysis
Min et al. (2023). Merged LSTM-based pattern recognition of structural behaviors of the cable-supported bridges. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Min et al. (2023). Estimation of unmeasured structural response of submerged floating tunnels using pattern model trained via long short-term memory. Ocean Engineering
Song et al. (2023). Wave-induced structural response analysis of the supporting frames for multiconnected offshore floating photovoltaic units installed in the inner harbor. Ocean Engineering
Jeong et al. (2022). Feasibility study of submerged floating tunnels with vertical and inclined combined tethers Ocean Engineering
Min et al. (2022). Damage detection for tethers of submerged floating tunnels based on convolutional neural networks. Ocean Engineering
Lee et al. (2021). Response pattern analysis-based structural health monitoring of cable-stayed bridges. Structural Control & Health Monitoring
Kim & Kim (2015). Dynamic behaviors of conventional SCR and Lazy-Wave SCR for FPSOs in deepwater. Ocean Engineering
WHAT's new?
Full-scale load test of the transmission tower designed by LRFD method
Performed by KEPRI-KSSC (Korea Univ)-BOSUNG/SAMWOO collaboration team
Totally 9 Load cases were examined.
8 load tests for operation & abnormal conditions
1 ultimate (collapse) load test
Study on Failure Modes and Load-Carrying Capacity of a Transmission Tower
3rd International Conference on ACE (Architectural, Civil and Environmental) Forensic Engineering. 2024.1.)
Suggestion of the ANN-based reverse engineering for estimating design information of power tunnels
The 2023 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2023. 08. - Youtube link
If you are interested in, please contact us!
Development of an advanced prepiling jacket substructure system: Higher than 10% reduction in the period and cost of the transport and installation, 2024-2028.
Investigation of multiple correlations between the rail temperature and gap using pattern recognition from long-term measurement data, 2023.
Development of high-performance system scaffold using H Core steel, 2023.
Multipurpose coastal floating infrastructure technology, 2023-2027.
Development of the portable device for the AI-aided safety check of scaffolds (phase 2), 2023-2024.
Precast pavement for the port project, 2023.
Design guideline for offshore wind turbine support structures, 2023-2024 (PI: Prof. G. Zi at KU).
J. Song et al. (2025). Simplified analysis method for pontoon-supported floating bridges under waves. Ocean Engineering (IF=4.6, JCR Top 5%)
P. Kim et al. (2025). Investigation of load-carrying capacity and failure mechanisms in full-scale testing of a re-fabricated transmission tower. Engineering Failure Analysis (IF=4.4, JCR Top 10%)
P. Kim et al. (2025). Experimental validation of a simplified structural design for lattice transmission towers. Journal of Constructional Steel Research (IF=4.0, JCR Top 20%)
K. Jeong et al. (2025). Design strategy for submerged floating tunnels: Structural response analysis and rational mooring-boundary condition combinations under wave loads. Ocean Engineering (IF=4.6, JCR Top 5%)
P. Kim et al. (2025). Forensic investigation of unexpected failure in a full-scale transmission tower test. Engineering Failure Analysis (IF=4.4, JCR Top 10%)
P. Kim et al. (2025). Simplified design of power transmission tower: Strategic variable analysis study. Structures (IF=3.9, JCR Top 20%)
Best Presentation Award at 2024
KSCDP (Korean Society of Coastal Disaster Prevention) Conference
- J. Song, Y. Noh, S. Kim (2024). Abnormality detection for mooring system of the multi-coupled floating photovoltaics using artificial intelligence.
KOSACS (Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures) Conference
- Y. Noh, J. Song, S. Kim (2024). The algorithm for estimating the location of damaged mooring in multi-coupled floating photovoltaics using artificial intelligence.
KOSHAM (Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation) Conference
- J. Song, H. Yang, J. Kim, S. Kim (2024). Maintenance technology for mooring system of offshore floating photovoltaic system based on artificial intelligence.
Jinwoo Sung as a Ph.D. student (M.S.&Ph.D. integrated program)
Yunseok Kim as an M.S. student
Jonghyeok Lee as an M.S. student
Jonghyun Lee as an undergraduate researcher
Welcome onboard!
If you are interested in joining our lab, please do not hesitate to contact us!
(rocksmell at
Structural System Laboratory (고려대학교 구조시스템연구실)
School of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, Korea University
#334 Engineering Building, 145 Anam-ro, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea